Perfect gifts for Mum this Sunday

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Perfect gifts for Mum this Sunday
Mother’s day is this Sunday! In case you’ve forgotten, we’ve compiled a list of some pretty sweet gift that are sure to win you some brownie points!

Breakfast in bed

What could a mum love more than to be waited on as soon as she opens her eyes? Whether its toast, pancakes or even eggs benedict! She’ll love you more if you throw in a freshly squeezed orange juice on the side

Personalise it

Give that special touch this mother’s day with a personalized gift. Engraved chopping boards, monogrammed towels, name jewelry- the ideas are endless thanks to websites such as Etsy and Ebay.

Fancy that smell

Most mums really dig nice smelling things. A simple candle in your mum’s favourite scent could easily wow her this Mother’s day.

Bath time

There’s usually not a lot of time a mum gets to relax. But when she does get some free time, she’ll be all to ready to relax.  She’ll appreciate some bath bombs, bubble bath, bath salts- basically anything that can make a bath more luxurious.

Memory keepers

If you have a little bit of time up your sleeves, why not create a photo album? Jump online or create a scrapbook to show how much you care. Whatever you choose to buy or do for your Mum this Mother’s Day, she is sure to love it. Remember- It’s the thought that counts! If your ideas are exceeding your gift budget, we have plenty of finance products available to you to help you with your plans.

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