Your credit report shows information regarding your credit history and helps credit providers, financial lenders, telco and utility companies obtain information on your credit history when you make an application for a loan or credit contract.
You will have a credit report If you’ve applied for credit such as a personal loan, home loan, store finance, mobile phone or credit card.  The credit report includes information such as:
Personal details
Your full name, date of birth, driver’s licence, past and current residential addresses and employer information.Your credit history
Credit or loans you have applied for and any default listings.Other information
Court judgements, bankruptcies, insolvency agreements and directorships.Things to check on your credit report
- Your name
- Your date of Birth
- Your current and previous addresses
- Any incorrect default listing
- Any incorrect credit applications
- Equifax – 13 83 32
- Dun and Bradstreet – 13 23 33